Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Being demoralized and offended...never propelled anyone further along the path of creativity."

This quote by Jean Flaherty in a blog from The Chronicle of Higher Education, caught my eye earlier this week. The rhetoric about education here in Texas when added to the economic realities most campuses are facing could easily lead people to feel demoralized, offended or both. This quote reminded me that my response to difficult times or comments is my choice. I can let myself be demoralized or I can choose to be creative in my reactions. I can hide my head in the sand and wish things were like they used to be or I can find ways to support the good work being done all around. Whether we realize it or not, we always have a choice in our response, at least in our attitude, even, or maybe especially in difficult times.

Our leadership task is to remember this fact and to help others find their way through the difficult times to creativity. Not one of the easier leadership tasks, but one of great importance. Good luck!

Best wishes,


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Space for Quiet

Each of us wants and needs to have space for quiet,
to get inspired.
Go outside, find space for those serene, lonely moments amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Connect with your inner self.
Be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature, and God.
Learn how to listen. You have to wait for clarity.
Just go with the flow and the answer will come.
Rest your gaze. Open your eyes,
for then one begins to see with the eyes of the heart.
Reflect on the beauty of a simple life.
Wise choice leads to feelings of liberation, even exhilaration.
Better follow your heart,
to trust it.

In the book Raw Art Journaling: Making Meaning, Making Art, author Quinn McDonald suggests a process for creating 'found poetry'. The above poem came from words I cut from a variety of articles printed in Yoga Journal and Oprah's magazine. I decided to share it today because I have had a couple of conversations lately regarding the need for leaders to find time for quiet and reflection. It's not easy to do, but it is one of the most important leadership tasks we have. I hope this poem will inspire you to make space in your busy life for quiet and that you are able to follow your heart to your best leadership.

Best wishes,
